Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Single-Mom Family

For many years, our family has a tradition of inviting friends over for a Christmas Party, partly to convince them that turkey can be tasty, provided it is done right. But mainly to have a good time of sharing. I wish I can claim credit for this idea, but it is mainly my wife’s project - my main contribution consists of carving the turkey.

One of our friends at the party this year was a single mom, with a daughter who just turned five. She was originally from Shanghai but has been in Hong Kong for more than 10 years. The daughter has been living in Shanghai with relatives since she was born, and came to Hong Kong only about a year ago, after the divorce. Her former husband stopped paying alimony one year after the divorce so life has been difficult, since she has no relatives in Hong Kong. Added to that, she had suspected that her daughter had developmental difficulties but could not confirmed it through diagnosis until the daughter came to Hong Kong. She had been very unhappy for the past several years. And had even considered ending her life, but was deterred from it because of her daughter.

Then earlier this year a friend suggested that she try our church. She has since come to believe in Jesus, and started attending Sunday School. She still has many questions and life is still not easy. But she feels now there is hope. And the church welcomes her like her family.

Hope is precisely what Christmas and Jesus is all about. In Him, we can find peace. Jesus said we will continue to encounter difficulties in this world. But we can take heart because He has already overcome the world. [John 16:33]

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