We moved our Information Ethics class to the talk by Ricky Wong of HKTV last Friday so that we can study a number of questions up close. Such as: Is the government justified in restricting the number of TV licenses? Is the government justified in refusing to disclose the reason for not awarding a license to HKTV? Is this a correct application of the confidentiality principle of the Executive Council? ...
Just a few days prior to the talk, we had just discussed some of the reasons that governments use to justify control of information, such as: national security, foreign relations, public morality, crime-fighting, commercial reasons, ... Several weeks earlier, we had discussed the public’s right to know. In between we have also discussed some of the information technologies involved and the related ethical issues.
And just when we are ready, a perfect case study presents itself.
this one is also very interesting...
Cheers, Kelvin
Yeah. It is not encouraging, is it?