But they can really be quite big. One day this summer I picked up a dead leaf and wondered what can be done with it.
I cut a piece from the stem and smoothed it, to make a little boat. My colleague G suggested to fit LEDs into it to make a lamp. I cut 2 pieces and fitted them together, so that it can stand by itself. I then asked another colleague K to fit 3 LEDs into it, powered by a rechargeable battery. We had already installed solar powered electrical charging systems in Cambodia. We can now teach our students, and the Cambodian youths to make these solar-powered lights. It is a pity that they do not seem to have palm trees in Rwanda.
While I was at it, a small piece became a cat, or a panther.
I had wanted to make a bowl out of a larger piece. But it turned out to be something that can balance itself on my desk, delicately. I simply called it “balance”. Many people seem to like it.
It seems that these dead palm leaves can be quite useful.
Very nice! Very creative! And environmentally friendly!