Saturday, July 22, 2017

Why do I still go to the Book Fair?

Like many people, I have a love-hate relationship with the Book Fair.  Put it another way, I like some part of it - but do not like some other part of it.  

There are just too many people, making it difficult to get around and to see things at my leisure.  But that is being selfish - other people have as much right to go there as I do - so I should not complain too much.  There are also many books that I am not interested in, and many that are not even books.  But then other people have their own interests.  So there it goes again.  

The Book Fair does give me an opportunity to browse the scholarly publications of the university presses in one place. 

I ended up buying one from CityU Press and another from ChineseU Press.  

There are opportunities to see publications related to the current political scene.  One does not have to agree with anyone of them.  But it is still interesting and educational to see who is saying what, and how quickly.  

There is also, of course, opportunities to buy some good books, at a discount.  I found 3 books that I like.  So I did benefit from it.  

And even some things that I wasn’t expecting.  Such as calligraphy.  

I say the Book Fair still gives everyone an opportunity to get a little bit what they want.    I only wished that I had more time to spent there.  So it should continue.   I hope it gives me more of what I want, but it may be asking too much.  

1 comment:

  1. To me the Book Fair is a bit like a miniature version of the society -- there are things and people that I adore, that I despise, that I feel indifferent for.

    People have equal rights and freedom to enjoy what they like. At the end of the day, it's an event that's meant to keep everybody entertained. As long as I can still find what suits my taste, I try not to be too judgmental.
