The land is increasingly in the hands of wealthy corporations controlled from the Mainland.
More and more and more university students from the Mainland ask to be taught in Putonghua.
More and people people, not necessarily educators, demand that schools teach in Putonghua.
Fewer and fewer stations broadcast in English. Even “English speaking” stations advertise in Chinese.
More law students are taught by academics educated in the Mainland.
Hong Kong (where the law is held in high esteem) is regularly lectured by people from the Mainland (where the law serves the party) on matters of the law.
More and more people counsel Hong Kong to submit to the reality of the overwhelming economic, political and military power of Communist China. (It is hopeless to try to resist, so it is better to stop resisting and learn to “enjoy” it.)
More and more religious “leaders” (who are supposed to trust in a higher order of justice and love) want us to submit to the authorities (irrespective of whether they are just or not).
It is very difficult to be optimistic under these circumstances. But I refuse to give up hope completely. I believe God loves justice and He rules in the end. And also because a life without hope is too painful to contemplate.
Very well put. Check this out too.