Saturday, January 26, 2019

Street Food Tanzania

Coconut water/juice is quite common.  Less common is the core of the trunk of a banana “tree”.  I was told it is actually the stem of the banana flower bud, in the centre of the trunk. 

I have seen more jackfruit vendors on the streets in Dar es Salaam than any other country that I have been to, including Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Singapore. I don’t know why it is so popular here.  

There are dates that are dried,  to different degrees.

And there are dates that seem freshly picked from a palm tree. 

The oranges here are green.  And the outer layer (flavedo) is sliced off before it is sold.  Again I do not know why.

Fresh corn is available.

So are sugar canes.  Here the vendor peels off the skin for you.  

I have always been told to avoid fresh fruits that are cut open before they are sold.  Here people do not seem to be concerned.  I have seen many people, mostly men, eating them on the street.  

There are many twists and puzzles, making it a lot of fun just watching people eat on the street.  It is an art that has disappeared from the streets of the “developed” countries.  

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