Monday, February 04, 2019

New Year’s Eve Market

When I was small, these markets were basically selling the same things year after year.  Now they change with the times rapidly.  What was IN last year may be totally OUT this year.  Although there are also a lot of constants.  Like the crowds.  

On the way to the market yesterday, in Causeway Bay, we were reminded that we still have freedom of speech and freedom of religion, to some extent.  Falun Gong is still allowed to practice and promote themselves.  And people are certainly allowed, if not encouraged, to criticise them.  And the two sides often face off against each other, without too much trouble.  

Some students seem to react to the unrelenting pressure imposed by examinations and the desire to “win on the starting line” by turning into Buddha-style students (佛系學生).  It takes a lot of determination and discipline to meditate on a ladder in public in a maddening crowd.  She will do well if she can take the same determination and discipline to her studies. 

There are some observations on our government officials that resonate strongly. Such as the fact that many of those who taut the merits of the local education system send their own children to study overseas.  And many of those who claim to be devoted and patriotic acquire residence rights in foreign countries.   Hence the term Green (card) Government, or ()政府.

There is quite a bit of stylish Chinese calligraphy.  Particularly in the pan-democracy camp. 

Something uniquely Hong Kong - wild, swinging fonts particularly suitable for Cantonese slangs.  

Balloons that advertise "I am single!".  

Very expensive dried and aged tangerine peels.  

There are always peach blossoms.  A lot of them.  

Daffodils (Narcissus).  The common kind with a single layer of petals.  Very pretty and fragrant.  

And the much rarer kind, with a double layer of petals.  

They will be gone in a few hours. 

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