Thursday, June 13, 2019

We are all losers to the violence

It is a great loss for Hong Kong when violence erupted at the end of the Great March on Sunday.  A million people made a peaceful, lawful march to show we disagree with the proposed extradition law.  Whether the government changes the law or not, it is a great demonstration that we care, and are willing to speak up.  It is our greatest moment. 

It is hence a great pity that violence distracted and actually totally sidetracked attention, and gave the government the perfect excuse to start beating up, physically and verbally, the opposition.  We lost a great opportunity, because of the misbehaviour of a few. 

Who were the people who turned violent, and why?  Were they hot headed youths who felt there is no hope in peaceful means?  Were they actually provocateurs who intentionally gave the government the excuse to start beating people up?  What is evident is that some of the police seem all too eager to rush in to beat people up, with overwhelming numbers and weapons.  What honour is there to beat up someone smaller than you are, fewer than you are, while you have the overwhelming, deadly power - tear gas, guns, and more?

The government may feel they have no choice but to push the law through.  They may think they now have an excuse to dismiss the opposition as irrational and violent.   But their brutal, oppressive nature is laid bare.  Whatever little respect the people had for the government is now totally lost.  What remains is intensive disgust and even hatred.  Is that the meaning of victory for the establishment - turning the people into the enemy? Is that how a government should govern?  Is that what we want in our government?  

We are all losers. Everyone.  Except the devil.  Check it out.  Whoever is gloating is the devil.  

As for us: How do we get out of this mess?

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