Sunday, December 15, 2019

Good for Hong Kong?

It is very sad and disturbing that many people on both sides of the conflict seem more keen to convince themselves of their own position, rather than genuinely trying to find a way out that is good for Hong Kong.  

Starting with a government that is so intransigent that is infuriating both sides.  The head of our supposedly efficient government, composed of Hong Kong people supposedly loving Hong Kong, seem to care only about losing face.  While Hong Kong people tear each other to pieces, she and her cronies don’t want to appear to be weak - no compromises of any kind.  A piece of unfeeling stone does not make a good government.  

Those who support the government and the police action try to convince us why the position of the government is the right one, and the police have to take the action to suppress the violence.  That is fair - we can discuss the merits of the arguments on with side, with facts, and sound reasoning.  But why do you have to insult people by calling them “cockroaches”, “yellow corpses” and worse.  As pointed out numerous times, it demeans and dehumanises people and it is a dangerous step towards escalating hatred.  Unless that is really the intention - to make the situation worse so that some people can benefit somehow.  I shuddered to think why anybody would want to do that.  

Insulting your opponent in not an effective way to win an argument. It merely serves to inflame people’s emotions and harden their positions, on both sides.  It makes it harder and harder to sort out why each side holds their position, find common ground, and move forward. 

Many protesters are no better.  Not all police are bad and corrupt.  Their family of event bad cops are innocent, they certainly do not deserve death.  If the intention is to stop police brutality, this can only cause the opposite.  

Why do people do it anyway?  Why do people insist on insulting each other instead of putting forward their arguments in a way that makes it easier for the opponent to consider it calmly and positively?  I have a feeling people cannot help themselves.  When people do not accept their position, when they cannot win, their ego is hurt.  They need to assuage their ego by saying that their opponent is stupid, that they are not worth discussing with because they are not human, that their opponents are bad people.  

That is so sad because many people, on both sides, are obviously intelligent people.  Many have been successful in their own professions.  Perhaps this is more reason why they find it difficult to accept set backs, when people refuse to accept their position or argument.  

To move forward, we need people on both sides to be able to reflect on themselves, stop doing things there are excessive, to stop making demands that are impossible for the their opponents to accept, to find common ground.  

Blessed are the peace-makers. We have enough war-makers already. Where are the peace-makers when we need them?  God have mercy on us. 

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