Friday, April 03, 2020

Restrictions on Eateries

Restrictions have been placed on restaurants in Hong Kong to slow the spread of the virus.  The police were running around checking restaurants on compliance

Some “yellow” restaurants were checked multiple times, meticulously.  Some police representative actually admitted that they harassed these restaurants because they didn’t like these restaurants’ political stand.  In the mean time, many "blue" restaurants flout the law with impunity. 

While this type of behaviour is in line with human nature, it is really sad that our law enforcement behaves in such a way.  

First of all, it is a misuse of the law.  They should be enforcing the law; instead they are wasting their precious time for which they are paid by the citizens of Hong Kong, at a time there are a lot of people needing help to fight the virus.  Secondly, they are abusing their power to harass people who are within their rights to take a political stand.  Thirdly, such action are childish in the sense that it cannot not really achieve the purpose of, presumably, to silence the opposition.  Fourthly, they are further deepening the already-extremely-serious divisiveness among the different factions in Hong Kong, at a time when we are urgently need to come together to fight this existential threat of the virus.  

Sadly, this is only one of the numerous manifestations of the malaise infecting the establishment.  When the whole of Hong Kong needs them to help us heal, find common ground, address the practical problems and be forward looking, they keep putting political expediency over people’s lives and livelihood, pettiness over magnanimity, personal vendettas over justice and intransigence over humility and adaptability.  

God help us all.  

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