Wednesday, May 27, 2020

God Have Mercy On Us

God, have mercy on us!

The coronavirus have been causing tremendous suffering in the whole world, Hong Kong included.  Our situation is far from the worse in the world.  Still, more than a thousand have been infected, some people have died, and many are depressed because of the isolation.  Many businesses have been forced to close, and a lot of people have lost their jobs.  At least the situation is gradually improving and we can look forward to easing of the suffering.  

Even more worrying is the renewed social conflict and the threatened National Security Law soon to be imposed.  

Some people are going on the street to protest again.  Many seem peaceful.  But some are throwing things again, with face covered - we cannot tell whether they are truly protesters or agent provocateurs employed to induce other people to break the law so that they can be arrested. We cannot but worry that the violence would escalate. 

Some police, again, are using seemingly excessive force to arrest people, apparently beating people and choking people even when they are down on the ground.  They seem to continue to harass the reporters.  We cannot but worry that our personal security and freedom is being threatened.  

Many pro-establishment people are continuing to call dissenters cockroaches - the same dehumanising terms used by murderers in the Rwandan Genocide.  They are firing people, disqualifying people, insulting people, cursing people, and in general abusing people simply for holding differing opinions.  There is such hatred and vitriol that we cannot but worry that Hong Kong might depend into similar horror. 

Some have tried to convince Hong Kong people that the vast majority do not have to fear the National Security Law.  But how can people not worry when, on the Mainland,  people looking into corruption have been put in jail, when lawyers defending dissidents have been put in jai, when Christians have been put in jail, when people criticising government actions and policies have been put in jail, when people protesting injustice have been put in jail?  In the past we trust in the barrier under “One Country Two Systems”.  Now Mainland laws are going to be imposed on Hong Kong, with Mainland agencies setting up in Hong Kong to execute Mainland laws.  While there may be some excesses, Hong Kong people by and large trust in the justice system in Hong Kong.  Now One Country Two Systems seems more and more like a slogan.  How can people not be worried? 

We know there are places elsewhere in the world that are suffering a much worse fate, economically, politically, personally.  But we cannot but worry that what we have been enjoying are eroding rapidly.  We are worried not so much for ourselves, but for our children, our young people.   Our generation have been fortunate to live in a Hong Kong which has generally been growing, moving up, hopeful, opening up and confident in that our hard work will bring a better future.  

Our children, however, seems to be living in a Hong Kong that is diminishing and shrinking in political freedom, economic vitality, and hope for the future. 

We know we should not put our trust in political institutions, economic prosperity, and ultimately corrupted humans.  We should put our trust in you, God of Heaven and Earth.  But we are people of little faith.  We cannot but worry when the prospects are bleak and getting bleaker.  

God, have mercy on us, on Hong Kong, on all suffering people on earth!  Help us to have faith in you.  Help us repent on our wrong doings, return to You, and be kind to each other.  


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