Friday, May 29, 2020

Not Dead Yet

Beijing is going to impose a National Security Law on Hong Kong, and possibly set up agencies in Hong Kong to enforce the law.  It is, of course, deeply worrying.  It has been said 99.9% of the people do not have to worry - that still leaves 7,000+ people who have to worry. That “99.9%” is, presumably, rhetorical - it still means quite a number of people are vulnerable.  So, who? why? and how? Some pro-establishment types have already pointed fingers at some pro-democracy activists and said “you should worry!”  How can people not?  

Many have thus been crying: “One Country Two Systems is dead!”  “Hong Kong is doomed!”  “We might as well give up and move away from Hong Kong!”  

I do not agree.  

Yes, 1C2S is heavily eroded by the new law.  In fact, it has been eroding alarmingly in the past several years.  The Hong Kong government have been increasingly draconian. The pro-establishment have been increasingly strident. The police have been increasingly brutal and arbitrary.  The hands from Beijing have been increasingly heavy.   

Yet it is not completely dead yet.  There is still some significant freedom that we enjoy that is not available on the Mainland.  The police is not completely arbitrary nor always excessive. They do have a duty to carry out.  We have to be honest with that.  There are still room for some honest elections at the district and legislative levels, even though some are closed or heavily manipulated.  The courts are still functioning reasonably well.  There are still lawyers who are doing their best to ensure due process.  And more. 

Things have turned worse.  But they can still turn better.  Barricades that went up may still go down.   Prejudice, privilege, blindness, evil do not always win.  In the mean time, we should also examine ourselves and remove the prejudice, blindness and evil among ourselves.  We have no right to criticise others when we are committing the same sins.  

Let us not give up yet. 

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