Saturday, May 16, 2020

Violence as Red Herring

The government, the police, the pro-establishment politicians and sympathisers have been droning on the violence and advocacy of independence on the part of the anti-establishment protesters.  That is not very reasonable because the violent faction is relatively small; the majority 和理非 (peaceful-rational-nonviolent, peaceful) faction is in general opposed to the violence and only refuse to cut their ties with the violent faction reluctantly.  Same situation with the independence faction.  

A small violent faction is no threat to the establishment - since the police holds the overwhelming advantage in terms of weapons and training.  A small pro-independence faction is similarly no threat because they have no popular support, and no venue into the power structure - including the government, the district councils and the legislature.   

Hence a logical tactic from the establishment would be to isolate the violent/independent factions by appealing to the peaceful faction.  Instead, by lumping the peaceful faction with the violent faction, the establishment is exaggerating the size of the violent faction and pushing the peaceful faction towards more violence.  

Unless that is really the purpose. Come to think of it, lumping the peaceful with the violent makes it easier to justify the draconian police action against the protesters.  Otherwise how do you justify cracking the skulls of and suffocating the people singing in the shopping mall?  

The district elections in November 2019 taught everyone, including the establishment, the potential power of the peaceful faction.  When they are suitable mobilized, they can exhibit tremendous power, even under the present highly manipulated political structures.  The establishment would not admit it, but it is the size and potential of the peaceful and rational faction that they are most fearful of.  Many of peaceful are in the middle class, professionals, with the knowledge, education, experience, connections, resources, to make use of legal means to make their voices heard.  They are the ones who are capable of standing for election, forming unions, getting into the functional constituencies, mobilising their colleagues and friends, to fight within the system, to force changes in the system.  

The aim of the establishment is not so much to fight the violent faction. The real, larger, objective is to neutralise, vilify the peaceful faction so that the establishment can retain their control over the political system.  

The violence is just a red herring. 

Let us not fall into the trap.  Those of us who are truly opposed to the violence should make it clear where we stand.   We advocate peaceful, rational and non-violent means to fight for social justice.  This is what I believe our faith would compel us to do.  Here we stand.; we cannot do otherwise.

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