Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Running with mask on

Starting today, we have to wear a mask both inside and outside.  No exemption for exercise.  So I went running this morning with the thinnest mask that I could find.  The sky was clear, the sun was bright, and the temperature was 33 degrees Celsius.  

At the beginning, I was breathing normally, through the nose. 

5 minutes into the run, the mask started to moisten up.  It started to be difficult breathing through my nose.  I started to breathe through my mouth, which made the moisture worst. 

10 minutes into the run, the mask felt wet. I found it difficult to breathe. 

15 minutes in, the mask was drenched with sweat.  I would have suffocated if I did not  pull the sides of the mask out to let the air in.  Then it dawned on me that this is how waterboarding work.  They make you lie face up, put a piece of cloth over your face and then pour water over it.  They are drowning you with just a little water.  That was what I was doing to myself.  No, that was what the government was doing to me - making me waterboard myself.  

I looked around, there were nobody within 10 meters., not even 20 meters  Why did I have to wear a mask?  Except that someone in the government decided that we all have to?  The government might as well say “no exercise”.  

I have a feeling the one who decided to make us wear a mask while exercising does not exercise.  Even if you manage to breathe with a wet mask on, breathing in your own exhaust while exercising cannot be good for you.  And what is the point to wear a mask when there is no one near you?

Our government is full of people who knows little or nothing about the things they are setting policies on.  Such as making us exercise with a mask.  Such as deciding on our education system when they send their children away from Hong Kong.  Such as deciding on our public transport when they do not use public transport themselves.  Such as deciding on public housing when they do not even set foot inside public housing.   The list goes on.  No wonder they do not understand why people are angry. 

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