Saturday, August 01, 2020

Rapidly changing weather

Went running this morning when the sky cleared.  By the time I got to the waterfront in Tsim Sha Tsui East, the clouds were closing in.  When I go to the TST Ferry, the rain was pouring.  I could barely see the IFC on HK Island, but not the ICC on Kowloon.

As I stood watching, strong wind from the East drove the rain and some of the clouds away towards the West.  The sky cleared partially.  The blue sky peeked through the clouds.  It was amazing.  

By the time I reached home, the rain came back.  The same scenario repeated itself several times during the day.  This is all due to the typhoon passing to the south of Hong Kong.  All of these will pass.  So will the virus.  

Unfortunately, we cannot say the same for our government.  When the government officials made announcements delaying the election, they tried to convince the audience no considerations were given to politics.  I suspect they know in their own minds that the people of Hong Kong are not likely to be convinced.  

The trust is no longer there.  During the past year, there have been such arrogance.  There have been so many bold-faced lies.  They have tried so many times to force things through the legislature with their majority.  They have so blatantly closed their eyes to the police brutality.   They have stonewalled for so long on the legitimate demands from the people.  They have so shamelessly disqualified popularly elected legislators.  

It is very hard now, for the people to believe they are sincere in their policy making.  That the delay is not at least partially due to the fear that the pro-establishment candidates will lose badly.  

It is so sad, when a government has lost its trust from the people.

It is still possible to redeem itself.  It is always possible.  But it is hard to imagine that it has the willingness, and the will, to make the necessary changes to respond to the people.  We need a miracle.  


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