Friday, December 25, 2020

Despair and Hope

2020 is a year in which the world collectively probe the depth of despair.

Tens of millions have been infected with the coronavirus.

More than a million have died, with even more to come.

Millions of Syrians have fled the horror of war in their own country. 

Democratic countries are turning despotic. 

Powerful people bully and brutalise the powerless. 

The rich continue to exploit the poor.

And blame them for their own misfortune - “you are so lazy!”. 

When the powerless rebel in so many places in the world, the powerful clamp down with tear gas, bullets, prison and ever more draconian laws - and say, “You are so violent!”.

The powerless feel peaceful protests are useless, and turn to violence. 

The result is even more conflict and violence.

The powerful are legitimising prejudice, bigotry and hatred. 

Hatred begets hatred, with no end in sight. 

Yet human dignity has survived.   

The powerless refuse to give up.

The poor continue to work hard to improve their station in life. 

The young continue to study to improve their prospects.  

The poor are helping the poor. 

The weak are helping the weak. 

The young are learning to care. 

Because there is still hope.

Because there is love. 

Because there is faith. 

Because we believe in eventual justice, despite the temporary evidence to the contrary. 

Because we hope for a world better than this; if not today, then sometime in the future. 

Because we have God.

Because we have Jesus. 

Because of Christmas!

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