Friday, December 17, 2021

Service-Learning during the pandemic?

In the academic year from September 2020 to August 2021, the whole world was in the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, which still has not yet been relaxed.  In a normal year, we send 600-700 students to serve in Mainland China, and 400 students to foreign countries.  Under the pandemic, travelling outside Hong Kong become impossible.  Many universities all over the world cancel their service-learning programs, completely or at least partially.  Many struggle to maintain the projects as much as possible.  PolyU is one of those.  

We have managed to offer as many courses and student places as we had been doing prior to the pandemic.  In fact, after an initial dip, we have be able to expand the number of places in response to the increased number of students.  Beyond Hong Kong, we were able to continue with projects on the Chinese Mainland, and several foreign countries.  Some of the countries we serve for the fist time.  Without being able to travel, we offer our services online.  Yet the service is not just conducted with words.  

We employ tangible tools and materials as much as possible.  We ship STEM toolkits, cameras - regular ones and sophisticated ones such as 360 degree cameras, virtual reality glasses, …, to local partners, and overseas ones.  We even shipped 150 sets of solar panel systems to Rwanda, and worked with local volunteers to install the panels for 150 households.  We never stop.  We are so proud of our teachers, assistant, and students.  We are grateful to our partners who continue to work with us.  We are grateful to our university and donors who continue to support us.  

In the current year and coming summer, God willing, we are and hope to be doing even more.  

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