Thursday, December 02, 2021

The Dumbing down of Hong Kong

Hong Kong used to have an advantage in its people.  Hong Kong people had to work hard to survive.  Many were immigrants seeking new opportunities.  Refugees even., fleeing from war and oppressive situations. Such people had to be bold, quick, adaptive, and creative.  To take advantage of opportunities or even to create openings themselves.  People are not afraid to try new things when everything is new.  Particularly when you feel you have nothing to lose. Failure may mean that one loses face, time and money, that one has to start all over again.  It is a risk that many were willing to take. 

Sadly, that is no longer true.  Now many actions, words, and even thoughts are taboo.  The price for crossing the numerous, very fuzzy lines is so high.  It is no longer your face, time and money that is on the line.  It is your life, security, and freedom.  Some people also feel they have too much to lose.  Many have given up and moved away.  Many who are staying are scared of crossing the lines.  The people are advised, threateningly, “If you are in doubt, just don’t do it.”  The people are explicitly warned against risky actions, words, and even thoughts.  

Who can blame the people for playing it safe, doing only things that are known to be acceptable? A person cannot be easily compartmentalised.  Our personality drives every aspect of our lives.  When one is trained to be safe on one aspect of our lives, it is near impossible to be bold in another.  Innovation requires boldness, taking risks.  A people will become dumb and dull when it is trained to take the safe road all the time.  Such a people may be easy to tule over.  But will a dumb and dull people continue to be an asset in the long run?   

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