Sunday, February 27, 2022

Who supports the strongman invader?

While the invasion of Ukraine is horrifying and deplorable, it can also serve as a touchstone.  What position does people take on it, and why?

Just days before the invasion, while much of the world hoped and prayed that war could be averted, some commentators were condemning the countries predicting war for war mongering, that Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine, that it was the western countries that wanted to instigate an armed conflict, applauding Russia for announcing a withdrawal while some western countries were predicting imminent invasion, saying that the western countries were exposed as lying and were losing face. 

When the Russians started bombing Ukraine, and their army started to attacked cities in Ukraine, much of the world were saddened by the loss of peace and damage to the country, and outraged by the loss of lives, particularly that of civilians.  

But many applauded Putin for calling Biden’s bluff.  And seemingly for asserting his power. 

Some mocked the feminine gender of some of the defence ministers of Western countries. Some likened Ukraine to an unfaithful wife, and Russia to the rightly wrathful husband.  Really?

One media personality, in response to public outrage to her posting of the “unfaithful wife” allegory, subsequently apologised.  But most who posted/forwarded the same or applauded, or expressed similar views have not, so far. 

Many of the people applauding the Russian strong man seem also to be pro-establishment, based on their pronouncements during the past years.  There seems to be a common thread between the two positions - there seems to be a common prioritising of power over care, might over justice.  

It is a sad commentary of humans.  God have mercy on us all.  

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