Monday, April 03, 2023

Kindness, or not?

An elderly Chinese lady seemed to have passed out on the street. Someone called for an ambulance. Two young Chinese ladies held her head. Some Filipino ladies held umbrellas over her. Many people stopped and asked about the elderly lady, some offering to help.  A man suggested to put something under her head, others said perhaps better not to move her.  She seemed pale, but conscious.  

Soon an ambulance came. The elderly lady seemed able to answer the medical officers’ questions. She was lifted onto a gurney.  They collected her walking stick and bag.  She was quickly moved into the ambulance. A street drama ended.  

Scenes like this happen all the time, all over Hong Kong.  Surely also in other places all over the world.  People are evidently capable of acts of kindness to each other.  To total strangers.  To people who look different, speak a different language, with very different background. 

Why, then, are we also so small minded in dealing with each other?  Why do we fight over seemingly small matters?  Why do we always have to have the advantage, and be  “greater” than others? Why do we dislike and even hate so much those people who look, speak, think, believe differently?

Which is our true nature?  The good side or the bad side?  Why it is so difficult to cultivate the good side, to overcome the bad side?  Why can’t we get along with each other?    

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