Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Shades of Zionists

The Israeli - Palestinian conflict had been simmering for a long time. Then it exploded on October 7 last year.  Even in Hong Kong, where there are few Israelis and probably even fewer Palestinians, it is a hot topic, at least among Christians.  We have been discussing this topic at our Spring Book Club, as well as my Bible Study group at the university.  One of the difficulties often encountered is the confusion of terms.  For example, people who are critical of critical of actions by the state of Israel are often accused of anti-Semitism.  Is it a fair description?  To clarify some of the terminology, I tried to make some diagrams, which many of my friends find useful.

Let us start with Zionism, or Zionists.  Zionists generally means Jews who claim Palestine as their homeland.  Zionists tend to be Jews; there are probably very few non-Jews who are Zionists.  On the other hand, not all Jews are Zionists; some do not care, other may prefer to stay and assimilate into some other country.  One may be favourable towards Jews but against Zionism.  

This is particularly important with a more extreme form of Zionism called Neo-Zionism.  These are generally Zionists who believe that Palestine belong to the Jews only.  That the state of Israel should occupy all of Palestine and there is no room in the state of Israel for Arabs or Palestinians.  Some are advocating the removal of Arabs and Palestinians from Palestine.  Obviously, one may be favourable towards Jews, and even the establishment of a Jewish state, but be against Neo-Zionism.  That is not anti-Semitism, which normally mean hostility towards Jews as a people.  

There are plenty of Christians favourable to Zionism. Often because of the belief that the establishment of the state of Israel is associated with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  These are often referred to as Christian Zionists.  They are Christians.  But very few of them are ethnic Jews.  Generally very few Jews are Christians, who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and Saviour.  

But there remains many Christians who do not believe in Zionism.  At least not Neo-Zionism.  Another diagram will address the different people who are favourable towards Jews, Zionism, Palestinians, Hamas, …

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