Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Banyan Tree breaking free

This is quite a common sight in Hong Kong, and elsewhere in South East Asia.  The roots of a banyan tree breaking through stone and concrete barriers.  And the banyan is winning.  

Humans like banyan trees.  Not only in the wild, but also in the city, on the sidewalks, right next to main roads.  Presumably because banyans are big and strong, provides a lot of shade, and are fast growing.  So they are useful. 

At the same time, humans do not like the air roots reaching the ground and then thickening into trunks, starting yet another tree, invading spaces not allocated to the tree.  Humans also do not like roots reaching out across sidewalks and God forbid, breaking up roads.  Humans like the banyans to grow big on top, to provide shade to the humans.  But keeping a small footprint, not interfering with other human activity.  

Unfortunately, what the humans desire are in opposition to the nature and needs of the banyan.  The banyan needs roots underground just as big and wide as the branches and leaves above ground, to be healthy and strong and stable.  So humans chop off air roots and bind the feet (roots) of the banyan with concrete and stone barriers.  

The banyan shows tremendous fighting spirit.  It almost always finds a way through, as long as it has rain and air, and a tiny bit of soil.  As long as it does not get killed.  The banyan has a very strong will to survive, and to be free.  

If a banyan works so hard to be free. Shouldn’t humans show the same spirit?  Dictators be ware.  

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