This is just to let my friends know that I have resigned, effective immediately, from my post as a director of Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministries - Hong Kong (香港恩雨之聲).
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Resignation from SOBEM-HK (香港恩雨之聲)
This is just to let my friends know that I have resigned, effective immediately, from my post as a director of Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministries - Hong Kong (香港恩雨之聲).
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Andes

At the top, we were rewarded by stark but majestic views. The pictures speak for themselves.

In winter, this is a poplar ski resort. Without the snow, the only people who live there are a skeleton crew at the hotel, and the soldiers guarding the border.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Design
The real (official) reason that I am in Chile is to present a paper at the CSCWD international conference. So I did. I reported on our work in building a framework to integrate together a variety of robot controllers and sensors, in order to research on programming and controlling groups of robots. What we reported this time is just some mundane foundation work. We are still working on the more challenging problems, and hopefully, will have something more exciting to talk about in the future.
Now this is interesting. This little animal is called piure in Spanish - a kind of sea squirt, I was told. It is a bit like a bright red oyster. Bite into a cooked one, and the texture even resembles an oyster. But the taste is something else: a mixture of metal and gasoline! I made myself eat several of them to memorize the taste; but my brain keeps trying to block it off. I am not sure I can recall it now. It is truly something else.
The lady at the small restaurant outside the market in Valparaiso (where we injested the piure) didn’t speak any English. But we still managed to order two great sea food dishes essentially by pointing and gesturing. Everybody there was warm and friendly. The couple at the next table even taught us how to add lemon juice and salt to the beer to spice it up. And it was good.
Time and again Chileans at the subway, on the street, in restaurants, ..., volunteered to help us. We like you Chileans.

The lady at the small restaurant outside the market in Valparaiso (where we injested the piure) didn’t speak any English. But we still managed to order two great sea food dishes essentially by pointing and gesturing. Everybody there was warm and friendly. The couple at the next table even taught us how to add lemon juice and salt to the beer to spice it up. And it was good.
Time and again Chileans at the subway, on the street, in restaurants, ..., volunteered to help us. We like you Chileans.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A man, a woman and a dog
The Cable Cars of Valparaiso
The Colors of Valparaiso (Chile, actually)

Many of the houses are actually quite small, and not particularly expensive looking. But they look clean and tidy, and colorful. It is clear that people enjoy their houses, and life.

We passed by a band playing music in a plaza.

As much as I love this place, I have to leave it behind. But at least I have the pictures, and the memories!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The People of Santiago


Round Rainbow

You can sometimes see a rainbow when the sun is directly behind you and there is a mist directly in front of you. Normally, only half of the rainbow is seen because you are standing somewhere on earth. The sun rays below your feet - blocked by the earth - simply cannot pass through.
When you are in an airplane flying at high altitude, however, complete round rainbows can be seen. It is faint but very beautiful.
I think God made it for us to admire, and to remember him by.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Blue Ribbons

It is in our human nature to love children, even those not our own. But there is also an evil streak in each of us which makes us mean to each other, even unto children. History and our own experiences have taught us that we cannot rid ourselves completely of this evil nature.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Rock of Our Salvation Church

I enjoyed the service, particularly the singing.
Because this was Easter Sunday, many people came in their best clothes. But it was clear that many of them are not people of means. There were quite a number of people who seemed sick, or overweight. A few were walking with difficulties, some requiring crutches. Some were praying on the side even before the service. Many responded spontaneously with singing and dancing during the service and were obvious moved. They looked like real people who were here because they knew they need God’s healing.
Then I remembered the crowd waiting outside the Presbyterian church on the Magnificent Mile, just an hour earlier. In contrast, there everyone dressed impeccably and expensively. No one was fat or obese. Everybody seemed healthy, energetic, and contented. I have a feeling some people came not just to worship, but also to see and to be seen. I do understand people wanting to dress well for church, to show their respect for God. But that may also cause some people who cannot afford it to shy away. This could just have been the cynical me speaking; or is it actually rational segregation?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
In Search of the Rock of Our Salvation Church

The church is actually in an old school house at a street corner. I had checked out the location and some photographs from Google Map before, so I recognized it from a distance. A black man in a striped suit greeted me at the entrance. I felt relieved and excited at the same time.
More on the service later.
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