Monday, December 25, 2006

Special Kids

Some of the kids at the special school recognized me from previous visits. One kid that I met the first time several years back as a toddler was now 12. His lips and mouth were still purple because of some chronic health problems. But he was talking excitedly, hugged me many times, and joined in all the games. Another girl was about 5, I believe. She could not talk, walk, hold anything with her hands, nor even sit up. But when I held her, she showed me the most beautiful contented smiles. She was twisting and turning all the time, making it difficult and tiring to hold her. But I just couldn’t bear to put her down.

Some people find it difficult emotionally to interact with these kids. Initially I had some misgivings too. But as soon as you come face to face with such a child, it is hard not to want to something for them, despite everything. And how often can you put an innocent smile on another human being?

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