There is actually a major bridge linking the two sides right at the middle of the city. The
However, those
So computer lessons are learned mostly conceptually, with very little opportunities for practice. That partly explains why Chinese students are much stronger in conceptual and mathematical skills, but much weaker in practical, experimental skills. In this information-saturated age, this is a huge handicap.
This is collaborated by our experience with students from mainland
That’s why these students start school at 7 am and finish at 10 pm for six and a half days, with only Sunday afternoon off. Most of them live in and around the school because they come from a long distance. YangXin is a county of a million farmers, and this is one of the best high schools around. So competition to get into this school is keen, and the competition to get into good national universities is even keener. We can see their books all piled up on their desks, because they practically live in the classroom, leaving only to eat and sleep. We were told they regularly outperform their counterparts in schools in larger cities.