Monday, March 12, 2007

Calligraphy on the waterfront

A man regularly writes with a big brush, with water as ink, on the pavement just outside the pumping station next to the Tai Wan Shan Park. I think he is one of them who swim in the harbour but cannot be sure. Go there in the morning, around 9 AM, and you may find him there.

I enjoy his calligraphy as well as the poems. This particular line is from 白居易’s 長恨歌. By the way, there are numerous lines from 長恨歌 that have become part of popular culture, such as:

驪宮高處入青雲, 仙樂風飄處處聞

玉容寂寞淚闌干, 梨花一枝春帶雨

臨別殷勤重寄詞, 詞中有誓兩心知

七月七日長生殿, 夜半無人私語時

在天願作比翼烏, 在地願為連理枝

天長地久有時盡, 此恨綿綿無絕期.

It is amazing that a few words, put together in a certain way, can carry such rich imaginations and emotions. And sound so melodic. Memorize it, and you can truly enjoy it anytime, anywhere.

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