Thursday, June 21, 2007

Aftermath of the IEd Hearings

Was it a resignation to take responsibility? If so, it should be applauded. More likely, unfortunately, it was an astute political move to remove a problem. Sadly, we do not have enough officials who have the courage to shoulder and admit responsibility. Although there is no shortage of people good at putting the blame on everyone else except themselves – on all aides.

As for us who are watching on the sidelines. I believe we should try to put ourselves in the position of those in the spotlight. That way we will have a better understanding of why people make mistakes, and how to avoid them in the future. That’s what God did. He became a man, so that He could experience what we human beings experience – to better help us.


  1. Anonymous1:52 pm

    I agree, except to add that when Jesus came to earth, He was perfectly human, while we are not. After the Fall, humans are no more perfect. I imagine that in the face of injustice, sins, and brutality, Jesus suffered much more than us imperfect humans. To varying degrees, we are numbed to injustice and human suffering, and seldom do we feel the gravity of our sins. A sinless Jesus living in a sinful world must mean immense pain. As sinful humans, we may never grasp the greatness of His love.

  2. Yes, not being God himself, we may never truly understand what he went through. But at least we can and should try.
