Do you know this location? The sun was setting. People were fishing, walking dogs, playing with kids, chatting, and relaxing. I was watching some birds fishing after my 40 minute jog.
The girls’ laughs caught my attention. They didn’t have fancy clothes, posh surroundings, or gourmet food. But they had a great view, light breezes, music from a radio, and each other. And they were obviously having a good time. You really don’t need to have a lot of money to enjoy life.
Remember when we were young, we had simple pleasures, and our lifestyles and habits were environmentally friendly? (Though of course, such slogans were not coined yet.)
ReplyDeleteI took pleasure in bragging that we were way ahead of the times: writing on both sides of the paper; wearing my sisters' outgrown clothes; reusing envelopes; salvaging the last inch of a pencil; practising Chinese calligraphy on newspapers... But today such ideas could be hailed as "Fifty Ways to Slow Global Warming", get published, and in the process, wastes still more resources.
Are we living better now, than say 30 or 40 years ago?
I was going to say more comfortable, but not necessarily better. But on second thought, I am not even sure that we are really more comfortable. We spend more money, and use up more resources, that's for sure.