Friday, January 04, 2019

The crowd on New Year’s Eve

After dinner at home on New Year’s Eve, my wife and I went out for a walk, around 8:30 PM.  As expected, many roads in Tsim She Tsui were closed already, and there were a lot of people on the streets.  The crowds were thick particularly along Nathan Road, near the junction with Humphreys Avenue.  

When we got to Salisbury Road, we found that most approaches to the waterfront were blocked off by the police.  Many people were walking in the direction of the Star Ferry Pier, perhaps hoping to get to the waterfront from there.  It didn’t look promising.  

We decided to turn back north along Nathan Road, against the traffic.  We seemed to be the only ones walking away from the waterfront.  What would the waterfront look like, with so many people trying to push their way over there?

When we got back to Peking Road, we pondered for a moment whether we should try to get to Canton Road and then try to return home along Austin Road.  While we were still considering it, the police blocked off the tunnel leading towards Canton Road. 

At that point, we decided to just walk home.  We have seem enough of the festive crowd.  

On the way home, a thought struck me.  Everyone we saw were with someone else.  Nobody was alone.  The occasional person walking by himself seemed purposeful, likely hurrying to join someone else.  They are not really here for the fireworks.  They are here for the companionship of their family, or friends.  

I hope and pray that no one is left alone.   

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