Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Why do people go to the streets?

Initially I wasn’t sure whether to go to the New Year’s Day Protest March.  Then I heard that many people have been so frustrated by the intransigence and increasing highhandedness of the establishment that they are giving up.  They will not vote; they will not protest; they are giving up hope.  At that point I made up my mind to go.  The prospect of a life without hope is just too depressing.  When I finally meet with my maker, I want to be able to say that I have tried as hard as I can - our God hates injustice and the Bible consistently urges up to uphold justice.  I want to let those who have not given up hope know that I am with them.  I want to tell those in power that I disagree with them.  

It was obvious that one of the main reasons that many people came to the protest march because of the pathetic performance of the Minister of Justice.

The lack of progress - in fact, the regression - in the political reform continues to be a serious concern.  

The government’s arrogance in deciding to build a huge man-made island to the east of Lantau Island without consultation also weights heavily.  

At one point there were some verbal confrontation when the group advocating independence for Hong Kong marched past a group of anti-marchers.  Fortunately the confrontation seemed to be only verbal.  

Even though freedom of speech is under increasing attack in Hong Kong, there are still a lot of things that can be aired here that is forbidden in (Mainland) China.  I pray that, if one day Hong Kong become the same as China in terms of freedom of speech, it is because China has caught up with Hong Kong, but not because Hong Kong has regressed.  But I am not very optimistic about this.  This is also partly why I am out there on the street today. 

The Progressive Lawyers Group () seems to be quite popular.  They are indeed doing some good work.  I pray that the continue.


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