Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cessation of Violent Confrontation is not Defeat

Some protesters feel “forceful” - in effect violent - confrontation is the last hope, that this fight is the definitive fight, that all hope is lost if they cannot push the government to accept their demands.  On the other hand, if the government accepts their demands, then they would have won an important victory. 

The situation may not be as grim as believed.  If, through more and more draconian, high pressure tactics, the government manages to put down this uprising, there will surely be more.  People will rest, gather their strengths, review and learn from the experience, develop stronger conceptual foundations, devise more innovative tactics, organise better, and come out again when another trigger detonates - and contest the elections.  The struggle for more political freedom is a long road, stretching many years, decades, and even hundreds of years - in effect, forever.    

On the other hand, even if the government is pressured to retreat, they will surely come back with more devious laws, policies, and tactics, to try to wrestle back the power from the people.  The establishment will not give up their power and privilege voluntarily and easily.  The fight will continue, one way other another.

What is sure is that if we fight the honourable way, we will build up more and more moral capital.  We will become more and more convinced that justice - and God - is on our side.  The conscience of some of the establishment will be awakened. More and more people will come to our side. Even if we are defeated physically in this round, we will win in the longer run.  The word is mightier than the sword.  Love is stronger than bullets. 

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