Monday, October 07, 2019

The Fall of the Elite (and redemption?)

I have written many times imploring the violent protestors to stop the violence.  But it is the top government officials who have to bear the ultimate responsibility for the conflagration.  “To whom more is given, the more will be asked.”  The elites of the government wanted and were given the power to govern.   Hence they must bear the responsibility of their policy and decisions.  

They proposed the odious anti-extradition law which started this. They refused to reconsider when millions marched peacefully, multiple times.  They pushed the police to confront the protesters violently.  When the police bristled at the slightest criticism of brutality from the government, amazingly the government backed down.  Instead of the police being an arm of the government, the government essentially gave up control over the police, giving them a free rein.  Instead of governing properly - to understand the issues and to try to resolve the issues, they just stonewalled.  

As numerous people have commented, this is essentially a political problem.  The elites refuse to deal with it as it is.  Instead, they insist on beating up again and again on the public order.  Worse, the actions that the government is taking, such as the anti-mask law, provoke more indignation.  It is as if the government want the situation to worsen.  

Our police used to have a hard-earned reputation of being relatively clean, efficient, and neutral.  Not any more.  The continued beating of people who are already down, purposeful breaking of arms, humiliation of young girls, calling people objects, bold-faced lies, shooting people in the chest, the obvious lost of emotional control, …, have destroyed that hard-earned reputation.  It will take many years to rebuild that reputation, if ever.  For what?  Because the government elite refused to admit they were wrong, to take responsibility for their bad decisions. 

Their supporting legislators and politicians, who cheered and egged the government on, are also responsible.  If they cannot see that their policies and actions are provoking more anger, they are not qualified to govern.  If they can see that, and yet continue to support those wrong-headed policies, …, then I don’t know what they are.  

As bad as the situation is, the elites still have the power to turn things around.  Knowing the past history, however, I am not holding my breath.  

Yet I still hope that those who hold the power will come to their senses. This is not really a matter of blue versus yellow, or them versus us.  It is ultimately a matter of good versus evil, and there is both on both sides.  Some protesters have been violent.  Some police have been brutal, and the government has been cynical.  But we have to appeal to the good in all of us.  The protesters should stick to peaceful actions.  The government should deal with this as a political issue and not just a police matter.  

The alternatives are just too horrible.  God help us. 

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