Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kuala Lumpur in green

Kuala Lumpur is really quite green.  They have lots of trees, big ones and small ones, everywhere. 

They have lots of high rises as well, some of them packed closely together in the centre of the city.  
But the big trees soften the harsh concrete angles quite a bit.  

Because of the heat and humidity, one sweats easily.  But it is still a lot more pleasant walking around KL, as compared to Hong Kong.

Malaysia has developed rapidly economically . It has now one of the highest living standards in South East Asia.  

It has also been developing service-learning quickly in recent years.  Many universities have developed SL in their own way.  We have visited a couple of universities on this trip and are hopeful that some collaboration can be developed in the near future.  

It seems at least some of the universities are interested in making SL more academically rigorous, and international, which is shared by ourselves.  

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