Sunday, May 26, 2024

Women of Malaysia

At a meeting at a top university in Malaysia, I suddenly realised that all the 5 people sitting opposite to me, representing the university, are all females.  I then remember that the situation was similar at the the tow other meetings.  Not only are there women around the professors, department heads, deans, etc.  The majority of the people that we have met on this trip are women. 

Then I recall being surprised by the image of women wearing hijabs driving cars.  And the female government officials that I have met on my previous visit to Malaysia attending a conference related to service-learning.  

This is particularly impressive given that Malaysia is, as far as I know, a predominantly Muslim country.  

I did ask one of our friends about this phenomenon.  Her answer was that females simply do better in their studies.  Whatever the reason.  Based on what limited experience I have had so far, Malaysia is certainly one of the countries where females have more opportunities than their fellow females in many other countries. 

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