Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Alternative to hatred

It is difficult to not get angry at gross injustice. Such as when people in power abuse their power, and persecute, even kill, those who oppose them.  In response, many people express their anger as hatred towards the perpetrators.  It is fully understandable, as humans, to wish misfortune upon the enemy.  

There is, however, an alternative which may turn out to be more satisfying, while causing less damage to oneself.  Which is to pray that the perpetuator(s) would repent, and then be punished by their own conscience.  If and when they do repent, genuinely, they will be tormented by the sins that they committed.  They will regret the hurt they inflicted on their victims. In the end, they may suffer more from their crime. There will also be fewer bad people in this world. 

Hatred is often damaging to the hater.  While the perpetuators of the crimes may not even realised they are being hated.  To pray for the perpetuator to repent however, is very much in line with what God would like us to behave.  

Wouldn’t that be a more satisfying outcome all around?

Of course, a question remains: what if the perpetuator does not repent?  What then, God?

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