Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Troubled Peoples 2024

On July 1st, I started a prayer for peoples who seem in one serious trouble or the other. 

Palestinians displaced internally in Gaza due to the Invasion by Israel’s army. 

Ukranians under attack from Russia’s army. 

Sudaneses caught in their civil war between two military factions.  

Syrian refugees internally displaced as well as dispersed to so many other countries. 

Yemenis suffering under their own civil war.  

Women in Afghanistan under the oppressive reign of the Taliban. 

Rohingya who have fled to Bangladesh and other countries. 

Tibetans exiled into India and so many other countries. 

Uyghurs who feel oppressed. 

HongKongers exiled to United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, … 

Women in Iran who feel oppressed by their own government. 

Blacks in USA who feel continued oppression by Whites. 

Kurds fighting for their own country. 

Somalians threatened by continued insurgencies in a widely-perceived “failed” state. 

Nigerians threatened by continued wide-spread kidnapping and other forms of violence. 

Citizens in Democratic Republic of Congo suffering under continued military conflicts. 

People in Asmara and Tigray in northern Ethiopia who are practically in a civil war.  

North Koreans who feel they are living in a gigantic prison.

I found that I still have not finished the list at the end of July 2nd, while the list does not even begin to include those who are otherwise suffering from abject poverty, serious illness, …, and so many other forms of exploitation and oppression. 

Many people are in trouble.  Yet most of us are not aware of them.  Perhaps do not even care, or feel that is somebody-else’s business.  And that includes so many of us Christians.  I feel that God does care, and how can we not?


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