Friday, September 27, 2024


Returned yesterday from Taiwan after spending less than 48 hours there.  To give a workshop on the “Global Research Agenda Exercise” to an Asia-Ocenia regional meeting of ~50 people from Uniservitate.  Uniservitate is an international network of Christian Higher Education Institutes (CHEIs), whose mission is to institutionalise service-learning.  Uniservitate has its roots in Latin America, particularly Argentina. 

The meeting was held at Fu Jen Catholic University, with participation coming mainly from Philippines, Taiwan, India, Australia.  Some of them I have met earlier.  I speak, specifically, on the “Global Research Agenda Exercise” being conducted by Professor Andrew Furco, on behalf of IARSLCE (International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement”.  

Catholic Universities are some of the most ardent among the numerous universities all over the world doing service-learning.  In the Philippines, I have already met many people from Ateneo de Manila, Santo Tomas, De La Salle, …, all of whom have extensive programs practicing service-learning in one form or another.  

Uniservitate is only a few years old.  However, it has grown very fast, and has already become very active.  Several projects had been given awards this year, at the meeting at Fu Jen.  One taught indigenous youths in the Philippines digital story telling, to help them advocate for their rights.  Another provide pro bono law assistance in Australia.  And there were more.  

Many of them are now striving to institutionalise service-learning, to embed SL into the core academic programs, to conduct rigorous research, to create more impactful projects.  Precisely what we have been trying so hard to do for 20 years.  It is so exciting to meet people with the same mind, to share experiences, to encourage each other.  We will surely meet again, some other time, some other place.  In the mean time, we all work hard, knowing that we are in good company. 

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