Monday, October 07, 2024

La Jolla Cove

La Jolla Cove is one of my favourite spots in San Diego.  If I jump into the Pacific from here, and swim due west, I will end up in Tokyo.  If I just my route slightly southwards, I  can reach Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or the Philippines.  That is, if I don’t drown or get eaten by a shark.  Looking out into the Pacific, it is hard to imagine that such a gigantic ocean can run out of fish.  But, apparently, that is what is happening. Such is the impact of the appetite of billions of humans on nature. 

For now, there is still plenty of animals in and around La Jolla.  We saw one of the laziest sea lions on the beach.  While some of them fight or play in the water.

There are plenty of pelicans, on the rocks. 

And in the sky.  

A colony of cormorants on an island off the beach. 

Squirrels are curious but weary.  

If you open your hand, pigeons jump on your hand, even if you not not holding any food.  It seems they are not very smart.  Or simply too trusting of humans.  

There is plenty of lives in the tidal pools.  

One of my favourites are the sea anemones.  

The grab your fingers eagerly with their tentacles.  Perhaps thinking of it as food.  Fortunately, they are not very forceful.  They tickle rather than hurt you. 

The first animal that we saw this time was actually a rather friendly bulldog. 

It really is a lot of fun to come here. Apparently a lot of people think so too.  Hence the houses are terribly expensive. 

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