On Saturday, 24 March, 2007, Showers of Blessings (HK) 【恩雨之聲】 will organize a walkathon cum evangelistic meeting in TinShuiWai in collaboration with churches there. The purpose is two-folded. On the one hand, it is to raise funds to continue to produce and broadcast real-life testimonies aiming to help people live meaningful and bountiful lives. On the other hand, it is to ask for God’s blessings for the district. Hence at the end of the walkathon, there will be an evangelistic meeting with a movie and music.
Further information can be obtained from the poster attached, and from the SOBEM web site at www.sobem.org.hk . The 【恩雨之聲】 programs are real life testimonies as told directly by the persons involved, not re-enactments or dramatizations by actors. They are normally broadcasted on Sunday evenings at 11 PM on Asia TV, Local channel 亞視本港台.
Please help to spread the word about the programs, the needs of 【恩雨之聲】, and the needs of 天水圍.
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