1. Succulent roasted pork (燒肉、燒腩、叉燒) before roasting?
2. 2. Slaughtered pigs delivered to a roasted meat shop (燒臘店) from the slaughter house, a common sight around
3. Animals in undignified postures?
4. Cute pigs cruelly murdered?
5. It cannot be avoided but it is still better not to see it?
I think my eyes are getting messed up. When I first glanced at your photo, I saw -- DUCKS IN BASKETS.
No, I have no idea why I saw that. But I swear to you that's what I thought at first. So maybe you should add that to your list :-D
Originally the title of this article was going to be "Pigs in baskets" - a play on "Pig in a blanket" (sausages and pancakes).
But I thought my girls would probably say I shouldn't make fun of the poor pigs. Taking their pictures in such a state was bad enough. :(
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