I have heard of hanging gardens. Now we have hanging trees in Hong Kong. These are grand old trees at the former Marine Headquarters in TsimShaTsui. A few of them are being preserved in this manner while the site is being redeveloped. Giant pots and scaffolding were built around and underneath them, while construction and traffic continue happily about and below. You may wish to check it out before the sights disappear. These majestic trees have extensive root systems, depending on the air and water seeping through the earth for nourishment. One of their cousins in the Kowloon Park nearby is found to be near death because of packing of the earth around it by the paving stones and people walking around it. I shudder to think what is really happening to those hanging trees up there, and for how long are they going to survive.
I love trees. Anybody knows how many trees have been sacrificed in the name of redevelopment, renovation, rezoning...? I believe we all need re-education, not least the govt dept which should be taking care of trees in HK. Lessons should be learned from past mistakes.
Yes. Everyone enjoys having healthy trees around, and more of them. But so many of the trees in the city are so miserable. Imagine having your limbs cut off, feeting being stamped on, toes crimped by stones, ...
I can almost hear them moaning and crying.
Perhaps there should be a requirement that only tree-lovers be allowed to take care of trees.
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