Ink-black clouds, pouring rains, sky-illuminating lightening, deafening thunder – nature has been giving us a fantastic multi-media performance that human beings cannot match. What does that say about the God behind it? This picture was taken by my daughter from the safety of our house. In fact, we often sit in front of our windows to enjoy similar performance for free.
When we are forced to be on the street and trying to hold on to a flimsy umbrella, however, we might have a very different opinion of this performance. Funny, isn’t it? Depending on where we are, and what state of mind we are in, exactly the same thing evokes very different feelings. What does that say about our control of our lives and destiny?
I always get a sense of the wrath of God in a thunderstorm; but His mercy and love is always at the ready - the sun will come out. He reaches out, but we have to take His hand, while there's still time.
Yes, we don't see Him face to face. Yet He is interacting with us in a very personal way. The more we reach out to Him, the more we listen to Him, the better we can understand Him.
I always get a sense of the wrath of God in a thunderstorm; but His mercy and love is always at the ready - the sun will come out. He reaches out, but we have to take His hand, while there's still time.
Yes, we don't see Him face to face. Yet He is interacting with us in a very personal way. The more we reach out to Him, the more we listen to Him, the better we can understand Him.
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