Last evening I was pulling myself up until my chin was above the bar when it slipped. I crashed.
My back side hit the floor first, then my back, and finally the back of my head. I was conscious all the time, and I remembered clearly the sequence of events. I felt the back of my head, and it didn’t seem to hurt. My neck was a bit stiff but otherwise seemed to be OK. It was really fortunate that I landed on my backside first, and my head hit the wood panelled floor rather than the concrete wall.
It was a great scare and a great escape. God was kind to me. He was warning me off taking unnecessary risks.
Naturally I vowed not to do chin-ups on the bar again. Otherwise my wife would probably kill me first before the bar does.
Life is fragile, isn't it? We only know how great a blessing is when we are healthy.
You are no longer young and have been putting on weight...and so you have to watch out and stop doing things as if you are fit and still in the 30s, 40s! Ha! Ha!
But seriously, really glad you are okday.
Oh, I forgot to sign off. Ann
Thank you and others who inquired about my well being. It is wonderful to know that there are people who care so much about me.
I guess I am reluctant to admit I am getting old, despite my protests otherwise.
It was somewhat funny that my 70+ year old mother said the same thing to me after the last marathon!
Per OSHA regulation, the bar needs to support 5000 lbs. But since it is not a workplace, you're exempt from this regulation. Ha ha!
Be safe, Dr. Chan!
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