Not only is it in the right proportion and shape, there are minute details such as the lamps, mailbox, number plate, ... The doors and windows actually open. The roofs can be removed to work on the inside. How about the rain gutters? Can you imagine what they are made of? Hint: The whole thing was made with scrape materials.
I wish I can say I made it. The fact is, my father made it using just hand tools a few years ago. He never went to a proper school, yet he taught himself to be an excellent craftsman. I am fairly good with my hands myself. One of my proud creations was a playhouse made with two huge cardboard boxes that the washing machine and dryer came in. I stuck them together, cut through the connecting walls to make a big room, cut out windows and a door. When my daughters were small, they could stand up in it and they loved it (at least they used to). Sometimes I crawled in and lay down in it myself.
But my skills is only a fraction of my father’s. He is my hero.
It's cute. I would like to have a toy like this.
Most of our fathers had, if not forever but at least been for sometime our heros when we were young.
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers, and especially to you. Ann
Yeah, I feel privileged to have my father.
On the other hand, although I know there are many things I could and should have done better as a father myself, I do try to be a good one.
Happy Father's Day.
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