This is what was left on my right arm - a small puncture - as a memento for donating blood today. At little cost to you - there is very little pain, and you body makes up for the lost blood soon enough - you can help someone in need, perhaps even save his or her life. Why not?
The whole process takes only about half an hour. First you fill out a questionnaire. Then they prick your finger to draw a drop of blood, to test whether your blood coagulates nicely. Then they stick a needle about 1 millimeter thick into a vein on your arm, to draw 500 cubic centimeter of blood (which actually takes only about 5 minutes). Then you rest for 10 minutes, have a cup of tea, and you can go. You will certainly feel good about it for quite a while afterwards, and you can show off your wound (actually they give you a small band-aid to cover it) to your friends and loved ones.

Please do consider it, if you have not done so already.
i kind of forgot to, this summer. and they won't let me here. =(
Did they refuse you because you have not been living in the US long enough?
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