This morning I was in a intensive discussion with a group of Fullbright Scholars from the USA on the issue of general education. I was looking for an example to illustrate the role of general education in professional education, when these images came to mind.
One is, of course the user interface for Google. It is focused, simple, and elegant. It does only one thing, but does it exceptionally well.
The other is that of, a popular web site in mainland China. Very rich in information and features. What is shown in the screen dump is only about one-tenth of the complete web page.
The contrast between the two is extreme. There are lots of reasons for the differences: cultural, political, historical, psychological, economical, commercial, artistic, ... To do our job well, we - the designers of the interfaces and the systems behind them - must understand the multitude of issues and the relevant domains of knowledge. Here is at least one obvious place where a broad and general education can be of tremendous benefit.
Many of us professors and students understand that. And we are trying to design new four-year undergraduate programs to achieve that.
With over 30 years of specialisation in seamless flooring, Flawless Flooring has managed to satisfy the different and unique requirements of every customer. Despite the fact that it uses concrete, an unfriendly environmental material, it has a few advantages over tires and shares most of the earthship advantages. Say we are laying out a simple home 30' x 45'; if the last dimension was forty feet instead of forty-five then the cross corner measurement would be fifty feet.
Here is the complete guide to create custom keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome which you can start browsing websites on rapid speed. If you make mistakes and you use a simulator, then it will cost you nothing. This game by Hexacto is simple, straightforward, and fun. However, if you'd like to take the scenic route through Google Earth, the SR22 is a better choice. The instruments that lag in real life, lag correctly, gyro drift is modeled correctly, the magnetic compass is subject to aircraft body forces - all those things that make real world flying a challenge are present.
With over 30 years of specialisation in seamless flooring, Flawless Flooring has managed to
satisfy the different and unique requirements of every customer.
Despite the fact that it uses concrete, an
unfriendly environmental material, it has a few advantages over tires and
shares most of the earthship advantages. Say we are laying out a simple home
30' x 45'; if the last dimension was forty feet
instead of forty-five then the cross corner measurement would be fifty feet.
Here is the complete guide to create custom keyboard shortcuts for Google Chrome which you can start browsing websites on rapid speed.
If you make mistakes and you use a simulator,
then it will cost you nothing. This game by Hexacto is simple, straightforward,
and fun. However, if you'd like to take the scenic route through Google Earth, the SR22 is a better choice. The instruments that lag in real life, lag correctly, gyro drift is modeled correctly, the magnetic compass is subject to aircraft body forces - all those things that make real world flying a challenge are present.
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