Only 1,200 people, many handpicked by the establishment, can vote for the next Chief Executive of Hong Kong. But we have a chance to express our opinion by voting for one of the three candidates in the “3.23 Civil Referendum Project” being conducted by Dr. Chung of HKU. We can vote online at the web site.

Unfortunately, the web site seems to be under some form of denial-of-service attack, generating so much traffic at the web site such that it is practically impossible to vote online. We can still vote in person, however, at a number of sites, including the following. We should not wait to be given the right to vote. We should demonstrate, by voting in the referendum, that we want that right and are capable of exercising that right in a civilized manner.
Please come out to vote while we can.
香港理工大學: GH201
屯門大會堂: 一樓展覽廳
柴灣青年廣場: 柴灣港鐵站A出口新翠商場接駁天橋
香港大學沙宣道會堂: 香港大學薄扶林沙宣道6 號
香港大學何添堂: 薄扶林道91號賽馬會第一舍堂
香港大學校園主部: (A) 莊月明文娛中心G-01室 (B) 嘉道理生物科學大樓平台
香港城市大學: 藍區
香港失明人互聯會 (觀塘順緻街): 觀塘順利鸷社區中心地下
龍耳社 (石硤尾白田鸷): 石硤尾白田鸷翠田樓地下
香港聾人協進會 (香港仔鴨婣州鸷): 香港仔鴨婣洲社區中心對面
九龍西 (深水埗): 深水埗黃金商場附近
新界東 (沙田): 沙田大圍港鐵站附近
新界東 (上水): 上水港鐵站附近
新界西 (元朗): 元朗炮仗坊附近
新界西 (荃灣): 荃灣兆和街千色店及路德圍附近
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