Friday, May 13, 2016

The people of UAE

The United Arab Emirates, similar to many other Gulf States, has many more expatriates (7.8 million) than citizens (1.4 million, 15% of the population).  
When I was running on the streets, I met 4 young people from Pakistan taking their lunch break from work on the side walk.  They were very friendly, and invited me to share their lunch. 

A very kind security guard from Kashmir showed me the way to get to the Ai Ain Oasis. 

At the conference itself, there were many delegates from the Gulf States.  Among them, many came originally from Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Thailand, …   There is this big guy working at the Petroleum Institute of the UAE.  Most of their students are UAE citizens who will end up working for the petroleum industry.  But he himself was from Syria.  He has been working at the UAE for more than 20 years, but he has no chance of becoming an UAE citizen.  Fortunately he can review his passport at the embassy.  

At the Dubai airport, there seems to be a lot of people from the Philippines.  One of them told me that 90% of the workers at the airport are from the Philippines.  Another said they are the best.  

If a well-educated Syrian professional, like most expatriates, has no hope of becoming a citizen despite working there for decades, what chance is there for Syrian refugees to move here?

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