It is the evening of June 4th. Where else can I be but the Candlelight Vigil at Victoria Park? I arrived on time, and would normally sit comfortably in the middle of one of the 6 soccer fields, nursing my candle, and singing my heart out whenever I have a chance to. But this is an unusual year. The crowd trying to enter the park was much thicker than usual. I was late.
In fact, my wife and I (and an old secondary school classmate) could barely got into the park. We followed the crowd, squeezed, wiggled, and finally wormed ourselves to the edge of the last soccer field, where we could at least see some of the people seated there, and listen to the proceedings.
The sight of all the candles was impressive. But it should have been even more striking. Because there were far more people than the number of candles available. I felt bad for not having listened to my wife, who wanted us to take with us some of the old half-burnt candles that we saved from previous years - I was in too much of a hurry to get out of the apartment. So we had no bulletin, no candle, and for a long time, could not hear what was going on. I could not sing along with the crowd because I could not remember the words for the songs although I knew the tune - until I found a trodden-many-times bulletin on the ground.
Tonight we can be proud to be HongKongers. Where else in China, and in the whole wide world, can you find so many people gathering to remember what happened 20 years ago. The organizers said there were 150,000 people. The police, as usual, said the number was less than half of that, 62,800. It is amazing that the police can come up with a number that appears to be so accurate - down to the hundreds, when the crowd spilled from the soccer fields to the basketball courts to the grass fields to the walkways to the streets outside. The truth is probably somewhere in between. But the actual number does not matter.
What is important is that there were lots and lots of people, overflowing not just the soccer fields but the whole Victoria Park. My wife was there with me. My daughter was there somewhere with her friends. Many of my best friends were there. Some of my colleagues and students were there. All of us stood up to be counted, for what we believe in. And there were a lot of young people among us.
I shall sleep well tonight, having done something that means a lot to me.
I was there, yes, where else could I be. My husband was suddenly called to business in the Mainland but then I had the company of two female principals. I was there from the beginning to the end. I managed to sit at the edge of one of the soccer fields, could not see the stage and barely the screen but was able to get the bulletin and candle (my friend brought 3 candle holders particularly made for this purpose), and I was still suffering from discomfort due to a heavy cold. But it does not matter - I want to be counted, I want to send my respect to the dead, condolescences and moral support to the living parents, anger to the rulers who were responsible, and despise for those who do not speak with conscience.
These are the moments when I am proud of being a Hongkonger. History will remember us when one day China has become a nation that we are proud of, in the broadest sense, in the sense where human rights are respected and protected, unlike what our CE has so narrowly defined. Ann
It is proud of China!
That is the hope, June 4th is still remembered!
I was there, yes, where else could I be. My husband was suddenly called to business in the Mainland but then I had the company of two female principals. I was there from the beginning to the end. I managed to sit at the edge of one of the soccer fields, could not see the stage and barely the screen but was able to get the bulletin and candle (my friend brought 3 candle holders particularly made for this purpose), and I was still suffering from discomfort due to a heavy cold. But it does not matter - I want to be counted, I want to send my respect to the dead, condolescences and moral support to the living parents, anger to the rulers who were responsible, and despise for those who do not speak with conscience.
These are the moments when I am proud of being a Hongkonger. History will remember us when one day China has become a nation that we are proud of, in the broadest sense, in the sense where human rights are respected and protected, unlike what our CE has so narrowly defined. Ann
我們中間一些出身中國大陸的學人,今天之所以成爲基督徒,其尋求信仰的歷程,多與六四事件密切相關。一方面,它激起了我們作爲知識分子的社會正義感,民族、國家的苦難使我們痛心疾首,專制暴力的罪孽更粉碎了我們在人間尋找天堂的夢想。另一方面,這一悲劇也震撼了我們的靈魂,使我們看見自己並不是站在這一罪孽和悲劇之外的全然無辜者。一切社會層面上的苦難,雖然往往被歸結於制度與政治的醜惡,然而,究其根本,它無不源於人心中根深蒂固的罪性。就這一罪性而言,我們與殺戮的決定者、指揮者和執行者,並無根本的不同。感謝主,我們雖同爲罪人,卻蒙了從上帝而來的奇異恩典,悔改認罪,接受耶穌爲主, 從而成爲上帝的兒女。
1. 就我們所知,在家人、同事、朋友或客戶面前,說出六四真相,並在能力所及的範圍內,公開表明基督徒對這一事件的立場;
2. 關心並且幫助我們身邊那些因六四而遭受迫害和傷害的個人與群體,也鼓勵知道真相的人勇敢站出來。
1. 面對歷史,糾正錯誤;
2. 公佈真相,追查元兇;
3. 公開悼念六四血案的受難者,賠償、撫恤受難者家屬;
4. 對於因六四事件而流亡海外的人士,給予他們自由歸國的權利。
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