I lived for many years in upstate New York where it was quite difficult to get good seafood as we know them in Hong Kong. Later I moved to Toronto and then Ottawa. There were more fish available. But mostly fresh water fish, which are nowhere nearly as good as live ocean catch.

It is certainly easy to go from eating frozen, bland fish fillets to eating live, ocean-caught garoupas. But it is much harder handling going the other way around.
In the same way, she who can handle adversity - particularly if she started out rich - is demonstrably strong. But he who has always been rich cannot be said to be strong - he has not been tested yet.
So the conspiracy is: fed you the very best groupers, and then sent you to the American Midwest. Test of strength of character, my girl.
No, no, no. There is certainly no conspiracy. It just seems that way. But my girl does have a lot of strength in character. :-)
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